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Over the past 20 years we have worked with over 1700 clients aged from four to 84, supporting alternative education, courses towards further education, Youth and Adult Offending Teams, Young Carers, drug and alcohol services, Domestic Abuse, Looked After Children. Adoptive and Foster Families. Neuro diverse people, Military Families. Partnership working with Charities both local and countrywide.


However you wont find any testimonials on here for the following reasons. As a member of National Integrative Counselling Psychotherapists Professional and other professional therapeutic bodies we abide by their advice and guidance. Read Below:




The NCP advises against the use of testimonials, except for in regard to coaching.  You are advised against the use of testimonials for counselling, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy.  Failure to comply with the following guide may lay you open to falling foul of ethical behaviour.  If you adhere to the following you would not be considered in breach of the Code of Ethics & Professional Practice although the safest way and what we would prefer is that you not to use testimonials for cases other than coaching.




Just to say first that if you use testimonials with anonymity, it may sometimes appear untrue and merely an advertising puff to gain more work.   


  • Vulnerable clients should never be identified.
  • The Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) may want evidence of validity, so you need your client to agree to have their details verified with whatever process ASA require.
  • Clinical conditions are healthcare related healthcare data must be private.
  • Careful client agreement and data protection policies need to be used.
  • Clients may feel pressured into testimonials and this is a power dynamic issue.
  • Clients may feel happy to have their details on the internet now but may regret it later.
  • Using testimonials may make you look less confident in your status as a professional.
  • Testimonials may look sales orientated rather than clinical care orientated.
  • Many people know that other professional bodies such as the UKCP ban testimonials as unprofessional, and therefore you may be using a method widely frowned upon
  • The media have publicised unethical use of testimonials and “paid for reviews” and this may raise doubts in clients when reading testimonials