What We Do
TURN ABOUT PEGASUS offers a range of activities to suit the diverse needs of participants. We welcome your interest and any other enquiries. We look forward to working in partnership with you.
Animal Assisted Play Therapy
Animal Assisted Play Therapy encompasses all age ranges to provide a unique therapeutic approach which is playful, fun and safe utilising a long established evidence based therapeutic intervention delivered by a British Association of Play Therapy qualified Therapist Tracie Faa-Thompson who is Co-founder of the International Institute of Animal Assisted Play Therapy.
Outdoor Family Therapy (with or without animals) No one lives in isolation and if the family works together then everyone benefits. Specialising in military families, kinship care foster and adoptive families and neurodiverse family work.
Outdoor Play Therapy Experience the freedom of play therapy in the outdoors. Age ranges 3 to 93. Why should children have all the fun. Families' groups and corporate welcome.
Therapeutic Life story work 30 years in the field of delivering Therapeutic Life Stories.
3D nature based therapuetic Life Story work(tm) Life story work but in nature with real life natural products to physically plot your journey.
Play Therapy. Play the language of the child. Specialising in adopted and fostered children, Adults children and young people who are highly traumatised.
Filial Therapy Family is at the heart of everything. Intigrative family therapy model utilising 'special play times' to enhance attachments and closeness.
Group therapy and group family therapy
Eco-therapy- Care Farming
We offer the opportunity of carrying out activities in an outdoor rural setting with plants and animals; all of which have enormous benefits to health and wellbeing. Content, pacing and progression of activities are individually tailored to clients’ interests and abilities. Focusing on personal and educational development we offer a range of activities individually geared towards employablity, Personal and Social Development and Independence. All sessions run by qualified level 3 forest school Practitioner.
Positive Horsemanship skills
Provides the opportunity for people to work in true partnership with horses to learn ethologically research based body language and communication. To gain new transferable skills to better read human non verbal language, increased confidence and better social relationships.
Equine-Assisted/Facilitated Play Therapy (EA/FT)
Qualified registered therapists facilitate tailor made sessions for a range of clients needs and issues in a professional non-threatening ethical environment.
Equine-Assisted/Facilitated Learning (EA/FL)
Focusing on social education to assist with enhancing relationships both human and animal. Learning to care and relate to animals whilst linking their learning into key educational skills such as numeracy, literacy, sciences and practical skills.
Interested in volunteering? visit our TRAINING page to see the many ways you can support us.